The Kalajivan Multi-Purpose Institute, founded by renowned painter Dr. Yuvraj Thackeray, nurtured artistic talents in Amravati district. Recently, the inaugural Maharashtra Art Festival 2024, hosted by Vikas Shikshan Sanstha Linga and Warud Nagar Parishad, saw 20 artists from various states and 200 from across India participating. Among them, 21 artists were honored with Kesh Awards, alongside trophies and certificates for all participants. Notable figures like Dr. Manohar Ande and Nitin Kherde graced the event as chief guests. Organized at Mahendri Agro Tourism in Warud taluka, the program was steered by director Monika Ingle and proposed by secretary Parag Bhonde. Additionally, the presence of Principal Praveen Mankar and Head of Forest Department Bede Madam added to the event’s significance.

मी एक कला शिक्षक आणि क्रियेटीव्ह आर्टीस्ट असुन सध्या शासकिय आश्रम शाळेत कंत्राटी पद्धतीने काम करत आहेत त्याचं बरोबर सामाजिक संदेश देणारे अनेक चित्रे काढत असतो… उदा. कोरोना काळात रस्त्यावर काढलेले चित्रं… शाळेतील विद्यार्थ्यांना विविध प्रकारचे नवनवीन कलेतील वस्तू आणि कौशल्य ह्यांचे ज्ञान व प्रात्यक्षिके देत असतो….